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Sala de Prensa - Hutchison Panama Ports

Sala de Prensa

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    The Multi Sport Court PPC, aims to offer its employees an additional space to develop activities that promote physical and mental well-being. It is scientifically proven that sports are not only positive for people in their personal life, but also in their professional surroundings, as it helps to relieve stress and tensions.


    In the country the rates of people with chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, hypertension and obesity, are alarming. That is why, from our Corporate Occupational Health program, we seek to join the prevention campaign of the National Government, providing our employees with alternatives to live a healthy life.


    «The realization of this project has many protagonists which I think its appropriate to recognize, the Ministry of Labor and Work Development for playing an important role in this project as a conciliator between PPC and the union that represent our workers, SINTRAPORSPA for demonstrating a high sense of teamwork for the benefit of more than 2,200 employees of PPC. PPC´s team that has been involved in the planning and execution so that everything is physically ready so that in the near future our PPC Multi Sports Court is ready and available. Thank you very much! «Said Mr. Paul Wallace CEO of Hutchison Ports PPC.


    On the other hand, Mrs. Zulphy Santamaría, Deputy Minister of Labor and Work Development, commented that the well-being of employees is to practice healthy eating, reasonable working hours, stress management, work compatibility and rest. There are dozens of initiatives that companies can implement, many already do but they should be promoted, in this sense companies can make compatible sports practices with work obligations.


    The multi-sport court PPC, in addition to being an area of health promotion, will function as a vehicle of integration between all employees and the benefits will be positively incalculable for the organization, to promote the development of the different internal sports leagues, as well as others of a recreational and cultural nature. As well as family-friendly! The court will be extended to the families of our employees.


    The project includes the construction of five hundred and forty-five square meters (545 m2) of concrete pavement and a stand with capacity for forty-five (45) people.


    The event ended with awards for the children of our employees who obtained the highest grades at school. At the end, Mr. Alberto Ochoa Secretary General of SINTRAPORSPA said: “Thanks to the company and the deputy minister for materializing this idea that aims to improve motivation on PPC workers.”


    It is estimated that the construction of the Multi-sport Court PPC will end in July. Month in which it will be ready for the use of all the employees and their families.





    On Saturday, April 8, PPC, as an active member of the Panama Maritime Chamber, joined its «Clean Sea, Happy Sea» initiative, which was attended by more than 200 volunteers, employees, sponsors, local and civil supporters of the AMP.
    This first day of cleaning was based on the beach of the district of Veracruz and seeks to protect our environment through the cleaning of beaches and coasts.
    At Hutchison Ports PPC we develop our business by paying special attention to the protection of the environment and the efficient use of natural resources, by contributing to sustainable development. We believe that activities such as these convened by the Environment Committee of the Panama Maritime Chamber will help mitigate the impacts that society and companies generate on the environment.
    The activity was promoted by the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) and sponsored by Ocean Pollution Control, Stwards Corp., Mercansa and Macosnar.


  • Recolecta de útiles escolares _x0093_AYUDEMOS A DIBUJAR UNA MEJOR EDUCACIÓN_x0094_

    Consientes que la educación es uno de los factores que más influye en el avance y progreso de personas y sociedades, el Voluntariado Corporativo de Hutchison Ports PPC presentó “AYUDEMOS A DIBUJAR UNA MEJOR EDUCACIÓN” iniciativa de recolección de útiles escolares que busca brindar apoyo para que los niños de remotas comunidades comiencen el año escolar con las herramientas que necesitan para tener éxito en la escuela.

    Esta iniciativa realizada dentro de los Puertos de Balboa y Cristóbal tenia como finalidad recolectar útiles escolares nuevos o usados en buen estado como: mochilas, borradores, cuadernos de raya, lápices de colores, diccionarios, láminas educativas, reglas, sacapuntas, lápices de escribir y libros educativos entre otros.

    En esta ocasión se escogió a la remota comunidad de Quebrada Grande en corregimiento de Chirguiri Arriba en las montañas de en Coclé en donde un grupo de voluntarios hicieron la travesía en vehículos 4 x 4 para llevar las más de 500 libras de donaciones que serán utilizadas por parte del club de padres de familia para suplir las necesidades que presenten los estudiantes durante el periodo escolar 2017.

    En Hutchison Ports PPC, somos creyentes que la educación contribuye a lograr sociedades más justas, productivas y equitativas. Es por esto que como empresa socialmente responsable nos involucramos en iniciativas las cuales mejoren la calidad de la educación y el acceso a la misma.



En Panama Ports Company estamos en busca de talentos que nos ayuden a impulsar nuestra empresa para llevarla lo más alto posible.