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  • Media Visits Panama Ports

    On January 20, the Panama Ports Company team and its Executive President, Mr. Paul Wallace, received various media at their facilities in the Port of Balboa. During this meeting, Mr. Wallace presented the presentation “Challenges and Opportunities in the Face of the World Maritime Situation”, where he reviewed the 20-year history of PPC and analyzed the future of the industry nationally and internationally. After the session, those present had the opportunity to tour the facilities and see the operation from the top of a gantry crane.




  • Panama Ports Company exchanged experiences with important figures of the international maritime trade industry

    Panama, June 29, 2016 – Panama Ports Company (PPC), a leading company in the development of port operations and logistics, welcomed the representatives of the Suez Canal Authority and members of the Board of Directors of the Ports of Sines and Algarve in Portugal to exchange experiences and take a tour of the Balboa Port facilities.

    During the tour offered to the representatives of Portugal and Suez, who were visiting the country to attend the inauguration of the Expanded Panama Canal, Peter Cheng, CFO of PPC, accompanied the visitors from Portugal, while Raymond Lam, COO of PPC, escorted the Suez Canal representatives, showing them the port facility, which is considered today the busiest terminal at national level, making the company a port model for other countries in the region.

    The president of the Suez Canal Authority, Mohab Mamish, was able to witness the company’s significant progress, thanks to the business model adopted by the port, the investments made in equipment and the improvement of services based on the changes resulting from the efforts put in place for the expansion of the Canal and the industry in general, as various logistics technologies have evolved.

    As for the visit of Joao Franco, President of the Board of Directors of the Ports of Sines and Algarve in Portugal, it was propitious and allowed port officials to show the inner harbor, the infrastructure and the equipment, as well as the services offered by the port terminals.

    The success of PPC in port operation has been the result of a high level of labor and technical excellence promoted by the company since its inception in the country. PPC executives were able to assure their international guests that this has not only positioned it as the number one company in the local industry, but has also made it possible for the Republic of Panama to achieve its goal of becoming, day by day, a major international logistics center.

  • Panama Ports Company intercambia experiencias con importantes figuras del comercio marítimo internacional

    Panamá. 29 de junio de 2016. – Panamá Ports Company (PPC), empresa líder en el desarrollo operaciones portuarias y de logística, recibió a los representantes de la Autoridad del Canal de Suez y del Consejo de Administración de los Puertos de Sines y Algarve, Portugal, para intercambiar experiencias y realizar un recorrido por las instalaciones del puerto de Balboa.

    Durante el trayecto de los representantes de Portugal y Suez, quienes visitaron el país para participar de los actos de inauguración de la ampliación del Canal de Panamá, Peter Cheng, CFO de PPC, acompañó a los visitantes de Portugal, mientras que Raymond Lam, COO de PPC, brindó el recorrido a los representantes del Canal de Suez, mostrando las instalaciones portuarias, consideradas en la actualidad como la terminal de mayor tráfico a nivel nacional, realidad que convierte a la empresa en modelo portuario para otros países de la región.

    El presidente de la Autoridad del Canal de Suez, Mohab Mamish, pudo evidenciar el significativo avance de la empresa tras el modelo de negocios que lleva adelante el puerto, con la inversión en equipos y mejoras de sus servicios enfocados en los cambios producto de los esfuerzos tras la ampliación del Canal, así como en la industria en general, a medida que las diversas tecnologías logísticas evolucionan.

    En tanto, la visita del Presidente del Consejo de Administración de los Puertos de Sines y Algarve, Portugal, Joao Franco, fue propicia para conocer el interior del puerto; observar la infraestructura y equipos; así como los servicios que ofrecen sus terminales portuarias.

    El éxito alcanzado por PPC en operación portuaria, ha sido el resultado de un alto grado de excelencia laboral que la empresa ha impulsado desde sus inicios en el país, lo que no solo le ha posicionado como la empresa número uno de la industria nacional, sino que se apoya, día a día, al concretar la meta de convertir a la República de Panamá en un importante centro logístico internacional, compartieron los directivos de PPC a los invitados internacionales.


En Panama Ports Company estamos en busca de talentos que nos ayuden a impulsar nuestra empresa para llevarla lo más alto posible.