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2017 - Hutchison Panama Ports
Press Room Sala de Prensa

Year: 2017

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  • Hutchison Ports PPC celebrated with its customers and business partners

    Hutchison Ports PPC celebrated with its distinguished clients, business allies, suppliers and friends. “This year 2017 has been a great year for PPC, we are celebrating 20 years and we are extremely proud to be part of the port industry in Panama. We obtained the award as the best port operator in recognition of the investment in our ports and thanks to this, for the first time in history at the Port of Cristobal we reached one million TEUs. Thanks to all of you for being part of these achievements, we will remain committed to strengthening Panama’s port industry in the eyes of the world” – Part of the speech by Mr. Paul Wallace, Executive President of PPC.

  • PPC Celebrates November – Panama´s Month

    In PPC we celebrate as a family, in the company of our friends of the National Police of Panama who accompanied us, in both terminals, with their bands to honor the country with national anthems.

    With this type of events, Hutchison Ports PPC, strengthens its commitment with employees and Panama. The country that opened the doors to us to enable our business in its territory and allows us to grow together every day.





    Port of Cristobal in Colon is one of the eldest ports in operation in Panama. For more than 150 years it has served as a platform for world maritime trade and this year celebrates the movement of one million TEUs for the first time in its history.


    Cristóbal terminal is located in the Bay of Limón in the southwestern part of the city of Colón and at the Atlantic entrance of the Panama Canal. Its strategic position connects this port with the most important maritime routes of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. Today, the port of Cristóbal is operated under the administration of Hutchison Ports PPC, a leader in world shipping industry with presence in 26 countries. It offers port services such as handling general cargo, containerized cargo, refrigerated containers (reefers), among others.


    Currently, the port of Cristóbal registers a significant 80% growth in its cargo movement, which made it possible to reach the first million TEUs recently. This milestone was celebrated with the arrival of MSC Chloe, from the Mediterranean Shipping Company at pier 10 in Puerto Cristóbal in Colón. Special guests of the crew along with strategic partners and employees of PPC witnessed the commemorative event. Mr. Paul Wallace, Hutchison Ports PPC, CEO, addressed a speech in which he was greatful for the trust placed in PPC during all these years of work, and also expressed pride of the more than 1000 Colon people who work day and night with passion and commitment to maximize the country’s logistic industry.


    In addition to the growth in the movement of TEUs in the port of Colón, it is important to note that other activities and services are increasing on the development of the region’s economy. A timely tourism growth was born with the movement of cruise ships in the port of Cristobal. It recently docked at Pier 6, the Caribbean Princess first Neopanamax cruise ship of the season and that selects Cristóbal as a docking point, which directly benefits the province.


    At the end of 2017, about 33 thousand passengers will have been attended and it is expected to receive in 2018 more than 71 thousand.


    For PPC these services are of vital importance and its objective is to potentialize the work as well as improving quality of life of Colon people, who are dedicated workers with great values, beliefs and traditions – worthy representatives of this wonderful region.








  • Hutchison Ports PPC Celebrates Port Worker’s Day 2017

    Hutchison Ports PPC celebrated Port Worker Day with a “Super BBQ” for all its employees at the Balboa and Cristobal terminals. During the activity workers had the opportunity to share with their peers and leaders in a fun atmosphere with music and entertainment spaces.

    Through these initiatives, PPC maintains its commitment to strengthen internal ties that foster and integrate the participation of all employees with its goal of becoming the leading country in the port industry and optimizing Panama’s logistics development.

    For more photos, click Here.


  • Article: Looking Ahead – The Business Year

    Source: The Business Year

    To see article, click here: Link


    Interview: Paul Wallace – Hutchison Ports PPC, CEO.

  • Equilibrando Volúmenes – Entrevista Port Strategy a Paul Wallace

    Vista mixta: los volúmenes de Balboa son estáticos, mientras que Cristóbal ha visto “volúmenes excepcionalmente sólidos”.


    Para ver artículo original, en inglés, click aquí: Link


    Panama Ports se está adaptando a los cambios en la región, explica – Felicity Landon. 



    Panamá es el “epicentro de la logística en las Américas”, según Paul Wallace, Director Ejecutivo de Panama Ports Company (PPC). Él confía en que esto seguirá siendo el caso, aunque, como con tantos puertos en la región, PPC (Hutchison) se está adaptando a la dinámica cambiante.


    PPC opera Balboa en el Pacífico y Cristóbal en el Atlántico, distantes uno del otro a 85 millas; ambos registraron menores volúmenes el año pasado – un total de 3,6 millones de TEU en comparación con 3,8 millones del 2015 – debido principalmente a la recesión mundial. Este año, sin embargo, los negocios se han recuperado.


    Lo que no se puede ignorar, dice el Sr. Wallace, es el enorme impacto del Canal de Panamá ampliado, que ahora está siendo transitado por navíos de alrededor de 10.000 TEU y potencialmente de hasta 13.500 TEU. Navíos con capacidad de 20.000 TEU han entrado en servicio sobre todo en las rutas de Asia-Europa, causando un efecto cascada que resulta en la utilización de navíos más grandes en las rutas transpacíficas.


    “En el pasado, los navíos procedentes de los centros de producción asiáticos con destino a los Estados Unidos que atravesaban el Canal de Panamá eran de un máximo de 3.500 TEU.  Ahora, navíos de 10.000 TEU se están conectando directamente con los consumidores estadounidenses, acercándose más a las áreas de consumo.


    “Anteriormente el transbordo se realizaba en Panamá debido a que los buques más grandes no podían pasar, ahora vemos una tendencia de navíos más grandes que transportan más carga directamente a través del canal hacia el Atlántico, esencialmente causando, una migración del transbordo”.


    Históricamente, el 90% de los volúmenes manejados por Balboa han sido cargas de transbordo – pero claramente no se está perdiendo todo esto. Y, de hecho, esa no es toda la historia, gracias al dramático aumento de las exportaciones de cargas refrigeradas provenientes de la costa oeste de América del Sur.


    Balboa está manejando volúmenes cada vez mayores de las exportaciones provenientes de América Central y del Sur que llegan al puerto para conectarse con navíos madre que se dirigen a los Estados Unidos y Europa.


    “Sí, vimos un descenso de los volúmenes de Asia, pero el crecimiento de los volúmenes de Centro / Sur América, dirigiéndose a la costa este de Estados Unidos y Europa, está equilibrando esto”, dice el Sr. Wallace. “Los volúmenes que solían atravesar los puertos de la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos hacia el interior del continente ahora atraviesan el canal. Como resultado, nuestros volúmenes en Balboa han bajado quizás un 1% del total. En esencia, se encuentran bastante estáticos en 3m TEU.


    “Las principales usuarias de Balboa son MSC / Maersk (2M) y THE Alliance, que aporta dos mil TEU adicionales por semana al puerto desde su inicio de operaciones a principios de este año.


    En el extremo Atlántico del canal, Cristóbal está viendo volúmenes excepcionalmente fuertes y ha tenido algunos meses récord este año. “Definitivamente estamos viendo un gran crecimiento en el sector Atlántico en general – una vez que los navíos pasan por el canal, hay muchas oportunidades de logística”, dice el Sr. Wallace.


    Cristóbal también se benefició de los volúmenes desviados de Kingston después de los estragos causados por un huracán el año pasado.


    Haciendo inversiones


    PPC ha invertido más de $ 1.5bn en sus dos puertos durante los últimos 20 años. “Invertimos temprano previendo el hecho de que los navíos aumentarían su tamaño debido a la expansión del canal”, dice el Sr. Wallace. “Balboa ya puede manejar navíos de 20.000 TEU, por lo que estamos liderando el mercado e impulsando la eficiencia en la operación. Además de la inversión en muelles, hemos mejorado nuestros patios de contendores para crear más capacidad y mejorar la eficiencia y el desempeño ambiental. Eso ha incluido la electrificación de nuestras grúas porticas y de patio”.


    Ligado a  los contenedores, los puertos de PPC también han visto un crecimiento en los volúmenes de carga, carga general, ro-ro y cruceros, nos dice. También aboga por un mayor uso de los enlaces ferroviarios para ayudar a reducir la congestión de las carreteras y mejorar la seguridad. 


    El año pasado, PPC participó en una exposición en Orlando para empresas minoristas. Como resultado, dice el Sr. Wallace, grandes empresas están probando las aguas y considerando a Panamá como una opción para sus soluciones aire/mar y de manejo de inventarios. “Ciertamente, somos una ventana al comercio global en términos de convergencia. Ahora, en lugar de agregar nueva capacidad portuaria, Panamá necesita agregar valor en forma de logística y semi-manufacturación “.


    Le preocupa la aparente convicción del gobierno de Panamá de que el aumento de la capacidad portuaria redundará en mayores ingresos para el país. “No es así. Los puertos no crean comercio internacional – somos sólo los facilitadores que estamos en el medio. Lo que necesitamos es asegurarnos de dragar para tener la profundidad del agua, grandes grúas y la flexibilidad de los recursos laborales para asegurar que manejemos navíos de más de 10.000 TEU tan eficientemente como sea posible”.


    “Por supuesto, más competencia conducirá a más eficiencia; Simplemente no queremos estar en una posición en la que el gobierno inyecta demasiada capacidad, lo que entonces crea una inseguridad laboral dentro de la totalidad del sector portuario”.



  • PPC a story worth painting

    Few days ago, took place the first award ceremony for Painting / Drawing Contest for employees and their children “PPC a story worth painting“, in the framework of Hutchison Ports PPC’s 20th anniversary as operator of the ports of Balboa and Cristóbal. 

    The contest aimed to promote sense of belonging, safety within the workplace, care for the environment, honesty, teamwork, fellowship, leadership and responsibility through drawing and painting, as well providing a space for artistic expression sending an educational message of quality and originality. 

    The selection of winner’s works was under the direction and support of Olga Sinclair Foundation where the jury composed by the artists Gustavo Polanco, Tello and Lucho Mon evaluated the creativity, originality, artistic expression, color and impact of each One of the works presented. 

    Representing the Olga Sinclair Foundation, his vice president Mr. Lucho Mon had the opportunity to explain to the finalists the criteria that were used for the  selection of the winners and in turn conveyed an encouraging message for all the contestants by Olga Sinclair. 

    Paul Wallace, Executive President of Hutchison Ports PPC, took the opportunity to congratulate all the finalists and highlight the great value that the company has every day thanks to the work done by employees, which are the Most important asset of PPC and that today that effort and value is reflected through the  creativity and talent of parents and children. 

    Hutchison Ports PPC is compromised with education and art as basic tools for development of every human being, to influence and contribute to productive and equitable societies. “PPC, a story worth painting” is the recognition and homage to their stories, their efforts, achievements and protagonist within the port industry that PPC has led since 1997.




    As part of its Occupational Health and Corporate Wellness program, PPC inaugurated its multi-sport court, located at Puerto Balboa, where employees can practice different sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, and others. This court size is five hundred and forty-five square meters (545 m2) and a terrace with capacity for forty-five (45) persons approximately. 

    In addition to its benefits for the physical and mental well-being of the more than 2,200 employees of PPC, this new facility will be a medium for the integration of employees and the benefits will be positively countless.

    During the event Mr. Paul Wallace, Executive President CEO of PPC addressed all assistants thanking everyone involved in the development of the project and urged employees to spend their free at the court and encourage others on different sports leagues throughout the year.

    Afterwards several “matches” between colleagues took place and also the participation of a famous Fitness Coach who lead an open training session.





  • Hutchison Ports PPC supports the Forum of Journalists as sponsor of annual event “National Journalism Award 2017”.

    Hutchison Ports PPC supports the Forum of Journalists as sponsor of annual event “National Journalism Award 2017”.

    PPC´s contribution in this activity supports our values and commitment to guarantee freedom of expression and the right to information that we all have.

    PPC shares the Forum’s vision of increasing quality and excellence in journalism, as one of the most noble and dedicated professions in Panama.


  • Hutchison Ports PPC – Port Operator of the Year Award in Lloyd_x0092_s List Americas Awards 2017.

    Hutchison Ports PPC (Panama Ports) is awarded with Port Operator of the Year Award at Lloyd’s List Americas Awards 2017.

    This award recognizes the company, port or terminal authority that has maintained the highest standards of operating efficiency and customer service throughout the year. This award is open to any port or terminal operator that can demonstrate exceptional innovation, efficiency, profitability or successful investment in port operations. Judges seek evidence of sustained commitment to customer service, cost and operational efficiency, as well as an excellent record of safety and the environment.