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2017 - Hutchison Panama Ports - Page 2
Press Room Sala de Prensa

Year: 2017

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  • Hutchison Ports PPC prizes Correcaminos Colón

    Hutchison Ports PPC prizes Correcaminos Colón for their victory and celebrates with an amazing tour at the Port of Balboa, followed by a lunch in hotel of the city of Panama.

    To the event were invited the sports reporter Eric Espino, who congratulated them for their great work and gave motivational speech encouraging to look for success for the province of Colón.

    “We are aware of the importance of the role of sports in the integral development of every human being. Year after year, we reinforce our strategies to support communities where our most valuable resource live: our people, “said Paul Wallace, CEO of PPC.

    Team spokesman Jorge Bishop thanked the company for the support and took the opportunity to encourage their teammates to continue their hard work and together encourage new generations of athletes to leave not only the province high, but also to highlight the importance of Values that are key to the development of society.

    PPC has supported for 5 consecutive years to the Provincial League of Baseball of Colon, in its minor leagues, juvenile and major.


  • Seminar Workshop – World Recycling Day

    Hutchison Ports PPC organized with the National Association for the Conservation of Nature (ANCON) Seminar Workshop as part of the Social Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives at Hutchison Ports PPC.

    The activity counted on the participation of 70 employees from key areas of the Ports of Balboa and Cristóbal, who had the opportunity to know firsthand the latest trends in sustainable reduction.
    This Seminar Workshop arises as part of the celebration of World Recycling Day, a date that aims to raise awareness of society and organizations about the importance of recycling and reuse of elements and objects of different types that otherwise Would be discarded, contributing to more waste and ultimately damaging the planet.

    For Hutchison Ports PPC its performance as an organization is closely related to the society in which it lives and operates and therefore in the impact it generates on the environment. As leaders in the global maritime industry, leadership and responsibility go hand in hand both inside and outside the company. “Leading Responsibly” is the approach we give to our initiatives by improving the quality of life of our people, organization and the communities in which we conduct our operations.




    Hutchison Ports PPC committed with our employees´ health and wellness, works on preventing  accidents and diseases that could affect quality of life.  PPC celebrated International f Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Day, with a great number of activities for our employees in Balboa and Cristóbal Ports with the visit of safety companies and health institutions of our country.

    During this activity the following activities took place: medical and visual evaluations, safety speech for employees, exercises in case of emergencies, vaccination, and demonstrations of safety equipment.




  • Collection of school supplies “HELP ME DRAW A BETTER EDUCATION”

    Education is one of the most influential factors in the progress of individuals and societies, Hutchison Ports PPC presented “HELP US DRAW A BETTER EDUCATION” initiative to collect school supplies to provide support for children from remote communities that start school period with the tools they need to succeed.

    This initiative carried out within the Ports of Balboa and Cristobal had the purpose to collect new or used school supplies in good condition as: backpacks, erasers, notebooks, colored pencils, dictionaries, educational sheets, rulers, pencil sharpeners, and Educational books among others.

    This time the remote community of Quebrada Grande in Chirigui Arriba was chosen, located in mountains of en Coclé where a group of volunteers made the crossing in vehicles 4 x 4 to carry the more than 500 pounds of donations that will be used as part of the parent´s club to meet the needs of students during the 2017 school year.

    At Hutchison Ports PPC, we believe that education contributes to more fair, productive and equitable societies. That is why as a socially responsible company we are involved in initiatives that improve the quality of education and access to it.



  • Hutchison Ports PPC Gives more than 200 Scolarships to Children of Employees

    For the past 20 years Hutchison Ports PPC has offered through our scholarship program the opportunity to support children of our employees who have the will and desire to study, learn and make a difference. This scholarship program is Social Responsibility initiative that seeks to strengthen family integration through the demonstrated educational excellence among the children of our staff.

    Once again, in 2017 – PPC stimulates the effort of 233 future professionals in our country through scholarships and medals as an incentive to motivate to improve their excellent academic standards.

    The activity was held last Saturday April 8 with the scholarship winners and their parents at Cinepolis Altaplaza. The event was hosted by the Talent and Development team along with Hutchison Ports PPC Executive President Paul Wallace who, sent an encouraging and educational message about the importance of work and effort that their parents perform every day in PPC.

    At Hutchison Ports PPC, we believe that education contributes to productive and equitable societies. As socially responsible company we are involved in initiatives that improve the quality of education and access to it.


  • Hutchison Ports PPC – Proud Sponsor of the Correcaminos Colón, Baseball League

    In recent days a group of PPC employess had the privilege of participating at the baseball game between Colón and Veraguas, where the team of Correcaminos won 8 to 0.

    At Hutchison Ports PPC we are committed to Colón. We support heatlh, wellness and believe in the potential of our people.


  • Hutchison Ports PPC recognized more than 50 workers for its 20 years of service

    In commemoration of its 20th anniversary, PPC made a special recognition to 53 employees who have been part of the port history of the company since 1997. The celebration was held at a distinguished hotel, where they shared a lunch with company executives, family and friends. The evening was a moment filled with emotion, because each had the opportunity to count incredible and inspiring anecdotes, as well as expressing their longing to continue to achieve success with the company and be mentors of future generations that are enlisted in the ranks of port industry.


  • Panama Ports Company participated in the seminar “Resilience of the Maritime Sector” at University of Panama.

    Hutchison Ports PPC and representatives of the maritime and logistic sector of Panama met in the auditorium of the Public Administration school of the University of Panama to contribute with their participation in the seminar “Resilience of the Panamanian Maritime Sector”. Mr. Paul Wallace, Panama Ports Company CEO, named his presentation “The Rules of the Game Have Changed” by exposing the changes that the maritime industry has manifested in recent years as a consequence of the global recession and its effect on the decline of movement Of cargo in the world.
    With its contribution, Panama Ports reaffirms its commitment to education and the Panamanian youth, who will be the future leaders of the logistics industry of our country and responsible for Panama to continue to be an example for the whole world.


  • Huchison Ports PPC welcomes RILA executives in Panama

    In recent days Hutchison Ports PPC had the honour of hosting welcome event for top executives of the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), on behalf of the largest and most successful retailers in the United States, such as Walmart and Target. The executives were able to learn about the country’s growing role as the logistics and transportation hub of the Americas.

    The visit scheduled meetings with important government representatives and local maritime industry leaders such as: Ministry of Commerce, Panama Canal Authority and Manzanillo International Terminal. In addition, they had the opportunity to witness the latest logistics innovations in Panama at Hutchison Ports PPC – Balboa Port and other relevant logistics companies.


  • Hutchison Ports PPC signs agreement with Panama Maritime 2017


    Hutchison Ports PPC signs agreement with Panama Maritime XIII, event that will take place from March 12 to 15 of this year.

    The agreement officialises, once again, PPC´s participation and contribution to this event which brings together the leaders of the world´s maritime industry and experts of this sector with the objective to develop solutions to the challenges that face the maritime industry, today.

    Through this agreement, PPC reinforces its commitment to the industry and the logistical development of the country by supporting opportunities that benefit all Panamanians.