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2020 - Hutchison Panama Ports - Page 2
Press Room Sala de Prensa

Year: 2020

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  • An act of solidarity with people in need.

    In a feeling of solidarity, a group of PPC volunteers together with personnel from the Port’s Protection Department joined in a humanitarian campaign with the aim of supporting families from Colón affected not only by confinement but also financially due to the loss of their sources of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The volunteers contributed what they can according to their possibilities, despite the distance, neither the climate nor the adversities of the confinement, which made them quit their humanitarian mission. The “Solidarity Sponsors” travelled to the township of Nuevo San Juan, Los Lotes, Sector A to bring a little hope, support and relief through bags of food with basic necessities as a gesture of solidarity.

    Many of the families in the area are going through difficult times and these donations and support from the PPC volunteers were received with tokens of appreciation for them and as signs of blessings for their homes.

    In the worst moments is where you can also see great actions, this is how solidarity works, putting yourself in the place of the other, and helping each other with acts of kindness and generosity.

    Thanks to the Port Protection Department and the PPC Volunteers for their solidarity and humanitarian relief efforts to help those who need it the most.

  • PPC donates personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by health personnel and patients with COVID-19.

    Hutchison Ports PPC, (Panama Ports Company) operates the ports of Balboa and Cristóbal recently made a donation to the Association of Resident and Intern Physicians of Panama’s Social Security (AMERI), which consisted of personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by doctors, as well as for personnel working in hospitals and patients with COVID-19.

    AMERI is a non-profit association whose main function is to ensure continuous medical education, the rights and well-being of doctors in training, as well as to provide care to patients aimed at correcting or alleviating the suffering caused by diseases, so that people live longer and better.

    To reinforce the work of the Panamanian authorities in the fight against COVID-19, PPC has launched a support program that includes the delivery of food bags to people affected by the pandemic and important donations for the country’s health system , such as beds for hospitals, state-of-the-art ventilators, medical equipment for intensive care rooms and personal protective equipment, among others.

    With this support, PPC seeks to provide a friendly and supportive hand to health personnel throughout the country, who are on the front lines of the battle in the fight against the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Our health heroes put their lives at risk every day to try to stop the spread of this disease, almost always working long hours and under conditions of pressure, which in turn expose them to contagion.

    We are a country full of hope, of positive people, who rise up in difficult times, a country full of heroes who give everything so that we can move forward.

  • PPC invests in cutting-edge technology to reduce the risk of contagion by COVID- 19.

    Panama Ports Company leads its commitment to the health and protection of its collaborators, clients, contractors and authorities, being one of the first ports in the world to use infrared and thermal technology, allowing the measurement of temperature at a large volume when entering the port; the system sends an alert if the staff does not use the mask when entering, reducing the risk of contagion by COVID 19 and other diseases.

    The opening ceremony was attended by the leading members of PPC’S four Labor Unions who supported the project from the beginning.

    (from right to left) Jared Zerbe, Chief Executive Officer of Hutchison Ports PPC, Victoria Alvarez, Senior Human Resources Manager of Hutchison Ports PPC, Larry Yang, Chief Operations Officer of Hutchison Ports PPC, accompanied by the leading members of  PPC’S four Labor Unions who supported the project from the beginning.

    For PPC, the safety, health and integrity of everyone who works within its port facilities come first. This is why it has been Investing in cutting-edge technology to continue operating safely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, offering service excellence, and generating comprehensive solutions in logistics for our country and the region.

  • Hutchison Ports PPC donates bags of food to the Mayor of San Miguelito to benefit families affected by the economic situation caused by COVID-19.

    Solidarity is a feeling of unity that moves us to give without expecting to receive anything in return, it is time to provide support to those who need it most.

    For Hutchison Ports PPC, leadership and responsibility go hand in hand both inside and outside the company. “Leading Responsibly” is the approach we give to our Social Responsibility initiatives, contributing to improving the quality of life of our people, organization and the communities in which we carry out our operations.

    Recently, PPC together with its employees, its Corporate Volunteers “La Cuadrilla Solidaria” and its Chief Executive Officer, Jared Zerbe, organized as a sign of solidarity supports the assembly of bags of food to benefit families from the district of San Miguelito who have been affected in the midst of the pandemic.

    The donation of the bags of food was carried out in The Port of Balboa, in the presence of the Mayor of San Miguelito, Héctor Valdés Carrasquilla and his personnel, who in turn are going to distribute them on behalf of Panama Ports to people in the most vulnerable areas of their district.

    These initiatives led by PPC’s employees reinforce the values established by the company, such as teamwork and cooperation, reassuring its commitment to continue supporting the efforts and actions of the Ministry of Health and the Government of Panama.

    At Hutchison Ports PPC, we continue to apply the hygiene and protection protocols, complying with all the recommendations of the authorities for the containment and mitigation of COVID-19 and at the same time making efforts to continue working from our port terminals, supporting from our sector with the supply of essential goods that the Panamanian households and the health systems need so much.

    We thank our team for all the support and commitment they give every day.

    Together we do it for Panama!

  • PPC transforms itself in times of Pandemic

  • PPC does not let its guard down on the fight to beat COVID 19.

    Educational poster of the communication campaign that is being carried out in both terminals.
    Delivery of masks by Safety personnel to all employees of the Port.

    With the increase of COVID-19 cases in Panama, PPC does not let its guard down and continues to strengthen preventive measures and teach all personnel who carry out activities within the terminals of Balboa and Cristobal..

    The compliance of the personnel with the use of the masks inside the terminal is very notorious, however the distance and the disposition of the masks still need to be reinforced, which is the responsibility of each one.

    Based on, it, the campaign of hand washing, distancing, use and correct disposition of the masks is being reinforced using much more Banner and ads as a support that have been placed in the areas of greatest influx of people (inside and outside the facilities) all this in order to combat contagion.

  • Seafarers Day

    People who work at sea are in the front row of the COVID-19 pandemic. All these people carry out essential work for the flow of food, vital goods, medicines and medical supplies, necessary to continue the fight in favour of the current situation. On a day like today, the entire community of seafarers celebrates the hard work carried out by each of our collaborators, reaffirming our commitment to their well-being, and safety and constantly working to guarantee gender equality in the sector. Happy seafarer’s day.

  • Hutchison Ports PPC supports the Panama solidarity program carried out by the Government to fight the COVID -19 pandemic

    Hutchison Ports PPC on behalf of the thousands of Panamanian employees that make up its workforce considers it necessary to provide substantial support to the actions and efforts that our heroes in white are doing in this time of crisis by donating medical equipment that would facilitate the care of those affected by the virus throughout the country.

    On April 28, the company made a donation to help strengthen the Panamanian health system, which included 10 electric beds for hospital use to the National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (INMFRE ). This medical care centre has been adapted by the Ministry of Health (MINSA) to provide the necessary hospital care to patients suffering from COVID -19.

    Jared Zerbe, CEO of PPC delivers the hospital beds together with a group of employees from both ports.

    Aware that we must all be in solidarity and work in UNITY as we profess in our corporate values, we will continue to support the efforts and actions of The Ministry of Health and the Government, making other important contributions to the Panamanian health system and thus contributing medical supplies that are needed for people in hospitals, fighting for their recovery.

    At Hutchison Ports PPC, we continue to apply meticulously the hygiene and protection protocols, complying with all the recommendations of the authorities for the containment and mitigation of COVID-19 and at the same time making efforts to continue working from our port terminals, supporting from our sector with the supply of essential goods that Panamanian homes and health systems need so much.

    Video of the donation by PPC of hospital beds to help Panama’s health system

  • PPC Solidarity Squad joins the childhood of Kuna Nega and Quebrada Bonita

    As every year our group of volunteers meets at these times of the year to bring joy and hope to the children of the community of Kuna Nega and the Quebrada Bonita School located in the province of Colon.

    More than 100 children enjoyed entertainment activities and know through the group of volunteers the values that represent Christmas.

    With activities such as these, we reaffirm our commitment to children, their education, health and social welfare.

  • Hutchison Ports PPC pay $30 million for 2019 dividends

    Panama, January 7, 2020.- Hutchison Ports PPC, a company responsible for managing the ports of Balboa and Cristóbal, will make a payment to the Panamanian State for dividends corresponding to the year 2019.

    Jared Zerbe, Executive President of Hutchison Ports PPC, explained that this dividend payment is a reflection of the opportunity that the earnings from reinvestment process has given, in recent years, to pay dividends to its shareholders as a result of a strategic approach and agreement with the State.

    In 2015, after significant investments, the optimal conditions of performance were met, which led to the Board of Directors deciding to declare and pay dividends to its shareholders in the amount of USD 10 million, of which USD 1 million was allocated to the State for its 10% shareholding. Under similar conditions, at a meeting of the Board of Directors held in November 2017, it was decided to declare and pay additional dividends in the amount of USD 20 million, of which USD 2 million corresponded to the State. In 2018, a new payment of USD 20 million was made by consensus of the Board of Directors, of which USD 2 million also corresponded to the Panamanian State. Based on the 2019 scenario, dividends of USD 30 million will be paid, of which USD 3 million correspond to the Panamanian State.

    According to Panamanian laws, the Panamanian State, which in addition to being the owner of the concession is a shareholder of 10% of the company, receives a fixed fee or payment from each port under concession for each container that is mobilized in those ports.

     “Even with the unfavorable trend of the regional port system, we have continued to contribute large sums of money to the State, being the main contributor for the rate of movement of cargo in national ports, and this has been possible given the financial policy adopted as part of the most convenient business strategy ”, concluded Jared Zerbe Executive President of Hutchison Ports PPC.

    Hutchison Ports PPC has made investments for more than USD 1.5 billion to improve the port of Balboa, which today is listed as a mega port, as well as in the port of Cristóbal to expand it, key decisions in the growth of the terminals, and necessary to meet the demands of world maritime trade.

    After more than two decades administering the port of Balboa and Cristóbal, Hutchison Ports PPC has contributed more than USD 415 million to the Panamanian State as a fee for each container that is mobilized in those ports. Hutchison Ports PPC contributes monthly more than USD 2.6 million in salaries and USD 1.3 million in social security in favor of around 1,500 employees. It also generates around 25,000 indirect jobs, among hundreds of small, medium and large companies, which serve as suppliers of products and services for both ports.

    Hutchison Ports PPC has kept its position in the Panamanian port industry with strategy and tenacity, reaffirming its commitment to increasingly emphasize the strength of the Panama port industry in the eyes of the world and open to cooperate in any requested explanation, providing necessary information comfortably with established procedures.